Baby Sign Language Classes In Albany WA

Hello, my name is Karina and I am very excited to be offering Baby Hands classes in the Albany and Great Southern region.

I have two boys, 3 years old and 1 ½ years old. My husband and I used baby sign with both boys. Our oldest boy was signing from a young age, telling us when he wanted ‘more’, ‘food’, ‘drink’ and ‘milk’. Our friends were also very impressed that he would use his manners and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and now he even corrects his brother when he signs incorrectly. Signing gave him the confidence to communicate in public, develop a large vocabulary and we currently can’t get him to stop talking and asking for new words to sign – the latest was Axolotl?!

We noticed a great difference between our two boys. Our second child didn’t get exposed to as much consistent sign until we noticed his frustration in not being able to communicate. His verbal skills were also limited. Since we increased our consistency with signing, he is using signs like ‘bed’, ‘food’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘bath’, ‘dog’ and ‘bird’. He is now trying lots of new signs and his confidence has developed so he is trying to develop his speech skills.

With baby number 3 on the way, seeing the great benefits of signing with our boys, this child will be exposed to sign language from birth.

I have a background of primary school teaching and a strong desire to empower parents with the skills to communicate with their children. By using my teaching skills I wish to enable parents to communicate with their pre-verbal babies. As a result parents will find reduced frustration levels, an enriched parent/child relationship, acceleration in speech, and a stimulated brain that can improve memory.

Baby Hands classes are fun, educational and social which offer you, the parents, the opportunity to spend quality time with your child while learning how to sign. They are designed for children aged between 0-3 years old. Classes are structured into three levels, Beginner (7 weeks), Intermediate (6 weeks) and Advanced (6 weeks). Each class runs for 1 hour and includes singing, learning new signs, games, Sammy the Signing Bear and social time. I want to fit in with your needs, so if you have a current group meeting – like a mother’s group – then let me know how I can best suit your group. I can even come to you!

Contact Details For Class Information:

Phone 0439 200 696

Contact me online by filling out the below form.