Baby Sign Language Classes In South Canberra

Hi,  my name is Alison and I am a mum to two beautiful boys ,  Braydon aged 5 and Luke, almost 2. I am very excited about bringing Australian Baby Hands to Canberra. I have seen the benefits of using signing with my own children as babies and the excitement and satisfaction they experience being able to communicate is great!

I am also a trained teacher of the Deaf and have used AUSLAN as part of my work for many years. I have worked in many schools across Canberra prior to starting my own family.

I am passionate about the language development of young children and a strong believer in the benefits of using baby sign.
Australian Baby Hands gives me the opportunity to combine some of my passions in life, being a mum, teaching and using AUSLAN.
I have found that no matter what your career, becoming a parent combines us all in a common goal of wanting happy and healthy little ones. I am looking forward to meeting other mums or dads and bubs and sharing some baby signs in a fun and relaxed environment.

Please contact me using the details below for information on class times and locations.

Contact Details: