Why would you choose the Baby Hands Franchise?

If you are considering a franchising opportunity, several factors play into your decisions.

  • You want to enter a proven, thriving, and recession-resilient market and want to partner with a known brand that lowers the barriers to success.

Our products and brand are highly regarded by parents and child care professionals and we are the only baby sign language resource on the market that is officially certified by ACARA, The Auslan Certification and Research Association.

  • You want to be supported every step of the way, from start up training to operations and marketing.

Our comprehensive training and franchise mentoring is key to get you up and running as quickly as possible while delivering quality baby sign language programs. Once you are up and running, we’ll continue to support you in every aspect to help you grow your business. On top of that we’ll be supporting you with national marketing and pr campaigns as the numbers grow.

  • You want a business model that gives you flexibility and freedom, fitting within your busy family life.

Your Baby Hands Teaching franchise can be as big or as small or you want. You can run the program just on weekends or you can run a number of classes throughout the week and do it as a full time job. The potential is there, the training and support is there…. It’s just up to you!

There is currently no program like this available in Australia so this is your chance to become the authority on baby sign language in your local area and help bridge the communication gap between parents and babies.