New Idea TV Logo

# Update, you can now watch this episode direct on our blog here.

Several weeks ago I got a call from New Idea TV who wanted to do a feature on Australian Baby Hands and our baby sign language classes.

It’s very exciting, as we shot this a few weeks ago, and it will be going to air this Thursday (20th August) at 3pm on Channel 7.

In this segment you will get to see Lena, our Northern Beaches teacher in action. With mums, dads & babies in attendance, Lena introduces baby sign language through songs, activities, stories and Sammy the signing bear.

You’ll see how much children love the workshop and how they start to use signs during the class.

If you’re curious to know what a baby sign workshop is all about, tune in on Thursday and you’ll get to see how fun and educational a baby sign class can be for you and your baby.

If you would like to attend a class then please visit our teachers page and contact them directly for class details in your area.

Please note if you do live outside the current teacher areas but have a mothers group or other group of friends that you would like to get together to organise a class, please contact your nearest teacher and they may be able to come to you.

If you have any questions that you would like to ask me in person I’m appearing at several bookshops over the next few weeks so come along and say hello if you are in the area.

Happy Signing
