Today is a very exciting day as Baby Hands Classes have gone national with our newest teacher, Yuki, teaching baby sign classes on the Sunshine Coast.

While we don’t have any classes in Canberra at the moment or in the Northern Territory I’m told that a company is “officially” deemed national in Australia once they cover NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA so for me that’s cause enough for celebration 🙂

We have a range of classes from beginner to advanced covering lots of signs.

In each of our 1 hour baby sign language classes you will:

  • Learn a number of signs relating to a specific theme.
  • Learn different ways to use these signs with your baby – using song, stories and activities.
  • Meet other parents in your local area who are also interested in baby sign language and you will get to know them in our “social time” at the end of class.
  • Introduce your baby to other babies in the local area.

If you are interested in taking one of our classes please contact any of the teachers through the links below.

New South Wales Class Locations:

South Australia Class Locations:

Victoria  Class Locations:

Western Australia  Class Locations:

Queensland  Class Locations: