Gary and Jackie WeddingIt’s been a couple of weeks since I have written anything in the blog here but there was a good reason, I had been very busy organising the final things for my wedding.

I got married to my partner of 7 years, Gary, this weekend on the 28th of March down in lovely Bowral in NSW Southern Highlands.

We had an absolutely amazing weekend with fabulous weather (which was lucky as we got married outdoors), great friends, great food and a great party to top it all off at the end.

There were a few little hiccups along the way, like when Gary went to pick up the wedding cake that morning only to be told they had forgotten to make it. And Gary left the button holes in his hotel room, thankfully the lady who owned the gardens we married in quickly knocked up some on the spur of the moment.

But everything came together and we both really had an amazing day.

We’re off on honeymoon this Friday for some adventure in South Africa, Paris and Rome.  A little stop off in Ireland for a second party with my family and then some relaxation time in Bali on the way back home.

I’ll still be checking in every few days to make sure everything is ok but for all orders you can still order direct online or if you need any information about classes just contact any of our baby sign teachers direct.