Information for Child Care

Information About Baby Sign Language for Child Care More and more child care centres around Australia are introducing baby sign language into their centre and beginning to experience the benefits. Baby sign language allows children aged 0-3 years to use basic sign language to express what theyRead more

Baby Sign Language in the Child Care Environment

Baby Sign Language in the Child Care Environment Over the past four years, patient baby sign language has emerged as a communication tool for parents,clinic families and child care workers around Australia. Being able to respond to a child’s needs brings less tantrums and stress for children,Read more

Is My Baby To Old For Baby Sign

Is My Baby To Old For Baby Sign Parents of older baby’s nearing or at toddler age often ask me “Now, that my baby is over twelve months old, is it too late to introduce baby sign language?”. The answer to this is NO. Many parents assumeRead more

Sign Language: The Best Second Language? By Steve Kokette

Sign Language: The Best Second Language? By Steve Kokette Research shows the benefits of learning Sign for hearing kids are many. In fact, cialis the benefits are so numerous that one has to wonder if perhaps a Sign language should be the second language that hearing kidsRead more

The Balance Between Practical & Motivational Signs

The Balance Between Practical & Motivational Signs Are you a parent who has introduced baby sign language into your home but you are not seeing the results you anticipated? After reading about the research and benefits of baby sign language, many parents decide to introduce this communicationRead more

Early Language and Literacy Article

Early Language and Literacy Article Early language and literacy (reading and writing) development begins in the first three years of life and is closely linked to a child’s earliest experiences with books and stories.The interactions that young children have with such literacy materials as books, paper, andRead more

Your Baby And The Stages Of Development

Your Baby And The Stages Of Development These stages are guidelines only. If you believe that there are any problems with your child you should always consult with your own doctor. 1 Month Old:Physical development; arm and leg movement are reflexes head flops if not supported canRead more

The Research, Findings and Benefits of Baby Sign Language

The Research, Findings and Benefits of Baby Sign Language (To download pdf formated version of article click here) From all the studies conducted in this field the benefits of introducing your baby to sign language are vast. Baby sign language; Can empower your baby to communicate withRead more

Signing Steps To Success With Baby Sign Language

Signing Steps To Success With Baby Sign Language (To download pdf formated version of article click here) 1. Start Slowly When you introduce signing to your baby, gradually introduce the signs one at a time. It is recommended to begin with approximately five words and once yourRead more

A Little Help On The Road To Talking

A Little Help On The Road To Talking From the moment your baby is born, they begin to learn language skills from the people and environment around them. They slowly go through various stages of language development from babbling to gesturing until they finally develop speech. ThisRead more