Well we have finally got the new site launched, hooray…!!!!

The good old site which has done so well for the last 4 years was really getting a bit tired and we thought it was about time to redo and refresh the whole look and feel of the site.

There’s a lot more to this new site, including this blog so I’ll be posting regular updates and news on the happenings at Australian Baby Hands for 2009.

A few of the new things that are happening now are the new DVD, set to be released very soon and our new baby sign classes. We will be adding more details to the site on these in the coming weeks but if you would like any information in the meantime please contact us.

Take a look around the new site, there’s still some tidy up work to do so if you do find anything wrong like broken links, or links going to the wrong page I’d really appreciate if you let me know.

I’d love to know what you think so please take your time to have a look and let me know what you think by leaving your comments below.

Happy Signing!